
Owen Tribbett

The Tribbetts lived on a beautiful farm in Baileytown near Gravelly Run Creek where they had two barns, chicken coops, horses, and at least a hundred sheep.  Both Owen and Elizabeth (nee Bailey) were born in Baileytown in 1884, and Owen was actually born on this farm.

Their house was built in the early part of the 19th Century by Jonathan Bailey.  It was purchased by David Tribbett who passed it on to his son Owen.  When Owen married Elizabeth, this home was once again in the hands of a Bailey.

Owen and Elizabeth watched helplessly as the U.S. Government began its takeover of Baileytown.  This was the only home that Owen had ever known, and he never got over losing it.  His niece sadly related how, "It killed Uncle Owen when the government took over Baileytown.  He didn't want to give up his farm." 

The Tribbetts were the last family to leave Baileytown.

Elizabeth Tribbett, second from left.
June, 1960